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This essay highlights the ongoing issue of gender violence in Colombia – particularly affecting Afro-descendant and Indigenous women and their communities – despite the inclusion of racial and gender justice provisions in the 2016 peace accord with the FARC.
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This essay discusses the demobilization of the FARC in Colombia and how it led to a power struggle among various forces, leaving Afro-Colombian areas vulnerable to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) from multiple actors.
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This essay discusses Colombia’s high rate of assassinations of human rights defenders, with women defending Afro-descendant and Indigenous territories particularly at risk.
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This article discusses how conservative politicians and evangelical religious leaders in Colombia used the concept of “gender ideology” to strip the 2016 Peace Accord of its provisions protecting the rights of women, Afro-Colombians, Indigenous Peoples, LGBTIQ, and non-binary and gender non-conforming persons. It also discusses how the harbinger of conservative opposition to human rights viewed justice for these groups as a threat to their grip on power and argues for the necessity of leadership from Afro-Colombian and Indigenous communities in the implementation process.
4 HRLR Online
This essay discusses how a group of Afro-Colombian women’s rights activists and New York law professors came together to raise awareness of Afro-Colombian voices in the Colombian peace process.
Just Security Online Forum on Gender Persecution Policy Series
This post discusses how the ICC Office of the Prosecutor’s Policy on the Crime of Gender Persecution interacts with domestic justice processes by examining the example of the transitional justice process in Colombia.
Just Security Online Forum on Gender Persecution Policy Series
This post discusses how a successfully implemented Gender Persecution Policy can lead toward higher numbers of convictions of sexual and gender-based violence crimes, including the crime of gender persecution. In addition, the post explores how the Policy may ensure that the ICC Office of the Prosecutor’s focus remains on the prosecution of gender persecution.
Just Security Online Forum on Gender Persecution Policy Series
This post discusses the signs of a growing commitment to addressing gender as a discriminatory driver of violence and atrocity and why the international community now has an important opportunity to overcome historical silences and strengthen responses to gender persecution.
Just Security Online Forum on Gender Persecution Policy Series
The first in a series on the ICC’s Policy on the Crime of Gender Persecution, this post discusses the significant gap in the development of international criminal jurisprudence on gender persecution and how it led to the drafting of a gender persecution policy paper that was developed through an extensive year-long consultative process engaging governments, experts, civil society, affected communities and survivors.
In only the second time the UNSC has discussed violence against LGBTIQ people, the March ’23 Arria Formula Meeting took testimony from Colombia and Afghanistan on the effects of persecution on LGBTIQ individuals with US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield. The Ambassador comments that the UNSC needs to incorporate LGBTIQ persons’ human rights in carrying out its mandate. Many states agreed while others dissented stating that only “universally” accepted problems and identities should be discussed.
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